Well it's true we are officially expecting baby #8 this September! I know, another one, right? Please don't send me your condolences because we are so excited and happy and humbled that God chose us to raise another one of His precious children! If someone had told me 10 years ago that one day I would be announcing our 8th pregnancy, I would of told you, that you were CRAZY! Even though it wasn't in our plans, God had an even greater picture in mind, one that I could not have imagined.
However, already we have gotten lots of strange looks and even some nasty comments from well meaning people that do not understand why we would choose to have so many children. I believe Satan has been using people like this to try and make me feel shameful for being obedient to God. So, I would like to try and explain and answer some questions that I really feel God has been leading me to share.
The number one question that people ask me is "How do you afford to have so many, we have only a couple and we struggle financially?"
Well, first of all, we too, struggle at times. God never said we wouldn't struggle, He just said we would never struggle alone. With Phill being in the military and me being a stay at home mom, we are definitely not rich by most peoples standards, but oh how we are rich in an eternal way! We have never gone without. Somehow, God has always provided for all of our needs. Matthew 6:25-27 says, "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than clothes? Look at the birds in the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" If there is something we think we need but no funds to pay for it we don't buy it, if God wanted us to have it HE would provide us the money. It's really as simple as that. It's definitely a leap of faith with every new baby and new mouth to feed, but oh how true and faithful God is. He loves these babies even more then I do and He knows their every need and meets it abundantly. And He has proven that to us time and time again. Financial security is honestly the one thing I don't worry about anymore. The King of Kings has us in the palm of His hands, what's better security then that?!
Another question I hear quite often is "Why don't you use birth control?" Now, before I offend everyone who believes that there is nothing wrong with the use of birth control, I just want to say, I'm not trying to condemn those that do and I really don't want to debate the topic, I just want to share what God has shown us. Phill and I have spent years discussing and praying and studying God's word in hopes of being obedient to the Lord on this issue. This is what we felt God telling us:
1.That God is the creator and author of all life. Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..." God doesn't make mistakes! He never says "Wow, I didn't mean to create that baby" God is all knowing and all powerful and has a purpose for every individual HE makes.
2. We believe that babies, ALL babies are a blessing and gifts from God. Psalm 127: 3-5 "Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons of ones youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate."
3. God commands us to offspring. Genesis 1:28 "God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it." Malachi 2:15 "Has not the Lord made them one? And why one? Because he was looking for godly offspring."
4. Having babies is what God created me for! I know, I probably just angered every women rights activist group around the world! But I don't care! I have easy pregnancies and births and I have an even easier time conceiving and I truly believe these are blessings from the Lord, NOT curses. I'm most content and happy being at home with my kids. I have NO desire to work outside of my home. I don't need "me" time or need to go "find" myself. I know who I am! I'm a daughter of the Almighty, a help mate to my husband who lovingly supports and encourages me in everything, and a mom, trying endlessly to raise kids to honor and glorify the Lord! Please, don't pity me, I have an awesome job, after all, my kids are the ONLY things in this world that I can take with me to heaven!
People often tell me, when they find out how many kids I have, is that I must be a saint. I really hate hearing that, because it's so far from the truth. I have bad days like everyone else. I too, lose my temper at times or have moments of complete insanity. No, I'm no saint. Just a humble servant who relays on the Lord to sustain me. Nothing will drive you to your knees and humble you like having kids will!
In the book "Be Fruitful and Multiply", the author, Nancy Campbell, I think, sums up perfectly why Phill and I have chosen to let God have complete control of our fertility.
"One of the biggest threats to the devil is husbands and wives who understand God's revelation for marriage and who will bring forth godly offspring for His glory. The devil is frightened of the godly seed, for it is they who will destroy his works in this world."
Our hope is to instill godly character, a love for the Lord, a servants heart and a willing spirit to do what the Lord has created our kids to do. And we pray that in turn they will instill those same characteristics in their own children and for generations to come. For us it's not about the daily things people may say we miss out on because of our large family. It's about the big picture, the eternal things that we are focused on. And it is that motivation that gives us the courage and strength to persevere even when some strangers, friends and family don't agree with our choices. I can't even begin to explain the joy, peace, happiness, and contentment that comes from living in obedience to God! Blessings to all!