Our "quiver full" bunch!

Friday, January 21, 2011

"When it Rains, it Pours!"

This week started out so great. My husband and kids had Monday off for Martin Luther King day.  Which meant extra family time. Then Monday night rolled around and things began to change. Matty was up most of the night. He was teething really bad and was really fussy. I don't know what is worse, not sleeping at all or sleeping in 10-20 increments. As soon as I would fall asleep, he would cry. And that lasted until Phill left for PT Tuesday morning. From around 6am on, Matty slept like a baby. Figures. He sleeps just in time for me to have to get up. Exhausted, I turn my alarm off and decide I'd rather sleep then go to PWOC. Usually, it's never a good choice for me, but at the time I was too tired to think straight.
I got out of bed just in time to kiss  Phill and the kids as they were walking out the door. Well, I felt a little better. After all, 3 hours sleep was better then nothing, or so I tried to convince myself.  Since, my morning was not going how I had planned, I decided to take advantage of the time at home and call my sister. Now I really can't remember the last time I talked to her, before that moring, but it didn't matter. We probably picked up right where we had left off last time. A long conversation of boogers, poop, and politics...strange but I think I see a theme there! What else would 2 sisters who are both  stay at home moms talk about? Only the most important things in our lives!
After my time on the phone, things just went down hill from there.  You know things are bad when you think "can things really get any worse?" And by the time you have that thought, you already have your answer, YES!
I discovered that I had a pantry full of food and nothing actually went good together to make a meal. You probably all know the scene. Hot dogs, but no buns...spaghetti noodles but no sauce....lunch meat but no bread...and 2 cans of Navy beans, what the hec were they for?  Anyway, after much thought I had no choice but to go to the commissary or have my family eat plain noodles with plain hot dogs and Navy beans! Yeah, that would NOT have gone over well!
I began to get Matty and Micah ready to go, when I hear Adam yell "MOM,MOM!" WHAT,  I yell back. "I can't find my other boot." After turning the house up side down looking for that infamous boot, I turn to Adam and say  "Think Adam, where did you last have your boots?" He thought about it then replied, "It's in the car." Okay, GREAT! I go out to the suburban and turned it upside. Nothing! I go back inside and asked Adam again about the boot. Then  he clarifies, that it is in the van... and of course, Phill has the van.
So, I call Phill to see if I can stop by his work and get Adam's boot out of the van. No such luck, Phill was at a range in some far off place, so I would have to figure something else out. I decided he was just going to have to wear a pair of shoes and hope for the best in the snow. Wouldn't you know it a few moments later, he comes out of the closet wearing his old "Woody" boots. I asked him "why didn't you say you had those before?"  His response "Mommy you never asked." Of course I didn't. Sometimes I feel like I'm my very own nemesis!
So, finally we were ready to go to the store. We were all in the car and I realize I forgot my cell phone. I'm sure most people would of skipped the phone, after all the work it took to get that far, but not me. I have separation anxiety when my kids are at school and that phone is the only link I have to them(but that's another story!)...so, I go back inside the house to get my phone. I go to the counter where my phone always is and it wasn't there.  Usually, that would have shocked me, but the way that day was going nothing was going to shock me.
So, I go hunting around the house for my phone. I go into the playroom and there on the floor in pieces was my phone. REALLY?! I picked it up to put it back together and realized it was wet. HOW?! I go out to the car and asked "What happened to Mommy's phone?" Adam said "Micah took it apart and then he put the battery in my cup." I wish I could say he was severely reprimanded for his actions but I just didn't have the energy and anyway, how do you talk common sense to a 2 year old? I'm sure his actions made sense to him! Fortunately, I dried the phone and pressed the "on" button and it turned on, but I do have to smack it around sometimes to get it to work. Oh well, I guess this is part of the price you pay when you have kids!
After the phone incident, I finally did get to the store and made it back home. At that time I thought, finally things are going to start to go better.  But wouldn't you know they didn't.
After I put all the groceries away and put Matty down for his nap I took advantage of a quiet moment and decided to clean the bathrooms. As I was just finishing up the last bathroom, I looked down at my watch to check the time and the hands weren't moving. NO, I thought to myself, not my brand new watch!    I wish I could say my watch fared as well as my phone, but it didn't. My watch was done for!
Later that evening after the kids were in bed, I began to tell Phill all about my bad day, but before I even got to the part about how the new watch he just bought me had bit the dust, I notice that one of the prongs on my engagement ring was broken. "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING, I yelled. I then showed Phill the ring and told him I was going to bed before anything else happened.
Now most of my days are not like that one. It seems to me that, most of my days are pretty good, everything considered. But when I have a bad day, it's a really, really bad day. You know the old saying "when it rains, it pours"? Well that pretty much sums up my bad days. At the time I felt like crying, but now I find it quite humorous. After all, those are the days I will never forget.  One day when my kids all grown and gone, I will cherish the memory of days like that!

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