Our "quiver full" bunch!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Curiousity WILL Kill A House!!!

A comment I hear quite often is "how do you handle so many kids, I can barely handle my 2 or 3?" Well, 3 is hard if they are ganging up on you. Anytime mom and dad are out numbered it is challenging. I'm no child expert and I don't have a  degree from some fancy college, or any college for that matter. I'm not giving any advice or telling anyone how to parent. We parent by "trial and error" and have found what works one day for one child may not work for another child on any day. Phill and I have learned to adapt quickly, and laugh when needed! This is just a glimse of how we handle things and what works for us and to give everyone a good laugh! Life in our house can be extremely funny, that's what happens when a bunch of nutty people live under one roof!

My kids are "surprise attackers". That is their strategy in a nutshell. As soon as I turn my back they leap into action. A phone call, a diaper change, going to the bathroom or heaven forbid I try and take a shower, something catastrophic is sure to happen! They know the only way to get away with something is to catch me off guard when I'm busy.  

EXAMPLE: Our bathroom sinks have these decorative fake drawers. It looks like a drawer but they don't open. My kids have probably asked about 100 times since we moved in "mom why won't this draw open?'" Which I then have to explain again, that they DON'T open. Well, this past Saturday, I was busy nursing Matty when I heard screaming from the kids bathroom, MOM, MOM, MOM!! I go running up the stairs thinking someone is probably bleeding on the floor. I walk in and wouldn't you know, someone had ripped that fake drawer piece of wood right off of the sink cabinet.

 My first thought, HOW? Immediately I ask, "who did that?" And I got the typical response, a thousand figures pointing at each other. They all blamed each other, figures.  That's one of the benefits of having so many siblings, there is always someone else to blame it on, and my kids know that! So, I tried  the whole "good cop, bad cop" thing. I tried to get one of them to rat each other out, but had no luck. I couldn't get any of them nark on the guilty party. They out number me, but I can still out smart them. With the amount of force and strength it would have taken to break that piece of wood, I would have to say it was a collaborated effort. They were all guilty!

I use to get really mad when I knew my kids would purposely break things. But the truth was, I had 6 wild BOYS and unrealistic expectations. So, over the years I have learned to except the fact that I will never understand "why" they do things, but to be more positive, to find the good out of everything. After all, all things work together for good to those who love the Lord, right?!  It's just stuff anyway and they are curious, I just pray their curiousity doesn't hurt anyone! This time I just had to laugh, and breath a sigh of relief. Well, at least now they will stop asking," why won't this drawer open?"!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I am noah and I am 7. I play outside. I went to school  for four years at four different schools because we keep moving.I don't like moving. I like staying in hotels when we travel.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

That's Army Life!

A few months ago, I got into a little discussion with my sister, which started to turn into an agrument, on facebook, no less. Anyway, I don't remember everything that was said, but I do remember at one point telling her "we just don't know each other very well anymore."  She in turn said "People know you as well as you let them and you know me pretty well." I have been thinking about what she said a lot lately. I think she is right. My extended family doesn't know me very well. I havn't been doing a very good job of staying in touch.

I remember growing up very close to my siblings. Didn't have much of a choice, my sister and I had to share like everything. I hated it at the time, but some of my fondest memories are of my sister Katie and I, usually fighting, but I woundn't have changed any of it.  I was even close to many of my cousins. We had sleep-overs, went swimming, made up dance routines, even went to school together, and yes got in trouble together. Growing up I had always planned on my kids playing with and being good friends with their cousins, but God had other plans for me and my family. 7 kids, and 5 moves in 9 years has changed everything about who I use to be, but definatley for the better. The Lord has done a work in Phill and I that is nothing short of miraculous!

While I'm so thankful for my "military" famliy, I so hate to see my kids not even know who their extended family are.  So, anyone that would like to get to know Phill and I and our "quiver full" bunch or just wants to see what "army" life is like with so many kids, please read. The kids will be taking turns writing about what is going on in each of their lives and I know they would love for people to write back. 
                                        Blessing to all,